Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'll be on the water.

It's August now, and the summer has passed like a sunset; beautiful, savory and wholesome yet deceivingly ephemeral. Putting the dog down had me a little out of whack for a while, but eventually things normalized as they usually do.

Since my last update, I moved to a new apartment and received a job at Ritz Camera and Image in Burlington working in sales and in the lab. I am an all-around worker there. It's a good environment, and I'm hoping to keep the job through next summer and get transferred to another store in another state, and then take a train trip across the country to that destination and get a foothold there. I have to get better at saving my pennies, but once this school year starts, it will become manageable.

The thought of moving out to a random city and just getting started is very appealing to me, and has been creeping its way into my subconscious fairly consistently. I'm ready for a change of scenery, but I cannot forget what I have on my plate right now. My summer has been working, playing ultimate, working out, reading if I can, hitting the beach, and going out.

My time will be spent this fall taking 18 credits, playing with Chill, working at Ritz, and doing work-study, most likely with the Registrar's Office at UVM. We'll see how everything goes. I'm not terribly thrilled, but that's okay. It's senior year, and this is it, so I am going to make it work and have a good time doing it.

Alexandre Dumas
I started reading Catch-22 this summer, but I haven't finished it yet. Albeit hilarious, for some reason I haven't been able to devote myself to it. As an alternative, I recently bought the unabridged version of The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas at the Borders going out of business sale, and thusly started reading it today on Church Street. Not far enough into it to have an opinion, but I've heard a lot of great things, so I'm  excited for it. And I would like to finish it before school starts. I haven't done nearly as much reading this summer as opposed to last, but it happens.

Anyhow, I should have some photos or a mix to place up here by September in an attempt to make this semi-not-boring. God willing I'll be able to update more often. Gotta get back into my photography, seeing as I work at a camera shop. But until then, ciao baby.