School’s been in session. I dropped my Globalization class, because I figured I’m not quite looking to take my major in the direction of global issues, but smaller scale studies. Instead I’m taking What’s Brewing in Food Science. It’s the beer-brewing class, in short. Since entering the class I’ve been considering about purchasing a homebrew kit and trying to brew some myself. After the first batch it pretty much pays for itself, so perhaps in the near future you’ll see me brewing beer.
Other than that, all it has been is class, work, Ultimate, making dinner. In reference to all that cooking, we in the house have started to compile our favorite recipes into a little cookbook for the house. So far, it’s in a folder in the kitchen, and it’ll be getting bigger and bigger. Here’s some food I’ve been making, and some other notable meals I’ve had recently.

Dinner at Pho Hung on North Winooski with Gabrielle, which was absolutely delicious.

Scrumptious omelet I made. Consists of green pepper, onion, thyme, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, a smidge of cumin, and a little bit of Franks Red Hot in the middle. Garnished with a sprig of parsley from my windowsill herb garden this summer.

Bruschetta made with a fresh baguette, garden picked tomatoes and Shelburne Farms mozzarella cheese accompanied with a salad.
Emily and I made croutons once. Caught them on fire in the oven. Still ate a majority though. It was a mutual ruined effort. The second batch came out much better.

Spaghetti a la yummy.

This week I have a lot to do, so this is short. I have a German verb quiz and a Death and Dying quiz tomorrow, as well as 39 pages of my Death and Dying workbook due tomorrow. Friday I have an Art History test, I have College Fall Ultimate Sectionals, then two tests early next week and a 3-5 page paper due on Tuesday. Has school started yet? Goddamn. Also, I need to buy my Godspeed reunion tour tickets on Friday. They’ll sell out fast, so wish me luck! And Broken Social Scene tomorrow night! If I bring a camera, I'll post pictures. I've gotta fly up to practice now.
P.S. I just got a bunch of free pizza today from work. WITH GARLIC BREAD.
the food looks fantastic, and I love especially that last picture of the apples! thanks for linking to my page, that was pretty chill :) I look forward to hanging out again soon, good luck on german and all your tests and papers and such!!