Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind.

The week of the fourth through the thirteenth of March was spent in Saint Simons Island, Georgia. Forty-nine members of Chuckus nation drove down, with some stops on the way of course, and participated in a three-day tournament called High Tide from Tuesday through Thursday. All of our teams played well, which is always a plus.

Suffice to say, a lot of shenanigans went down that week, which is all anyone could ask for. Plus, I celebrated my birthday with forty-eight of my friends, which is really more than I could ask for.

Anyways, I'm not writing this one to tell a story. I decided that for this trip instead of taking my D60, and frivolously taking photos, deleting the uglies and continuing on, to rather go for more deliberate shots. Therefore, I brought my Canon FTb. Shot color 35mm with 400 speed film the whole week. There's some great photos, good photos, and not as good photos, but I like them all no matter what, because they have that warp and woof, if you will, of film photography that I fell in love with. The feeling of "I found this, I took this, look at it." Makes me smile.

The quality of these guys may be lower than previous works, because I didn't feel like spending $5 a CD for photos when getting them developed, so I had scanned these. I think they turned out alright in the end.

Sup dog. 
Arlington, VA metro.
Is this a flannel convention!?
Taylor at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in DC. 

Pedro's Weather Forecast: Chili today, hot tamale! South of the Border!

All of the following pictures excluding the last two are on Jekyll Island, across the bay from Saint Simons.

It was an absolutely beautiful place.

James in a tree
Driftwood beach.

Just a mound of sand.
The ol' compound.
Had a grapefruit tree in the backyard. Pretty delicious.
I have the Southern With-drawls pretty badly. Whilst we were in sunny and 65º weather, Vermont received about 2 and a half feet of snow. And it's still cold here! Tomorrow is supposed to be 33º with potential for snow. Not interested, sorry. I'm sick of the winter. I only like it for the first month or two; this is just annoying. Fifty days until spring semester is over. Going to try and beast the rest of this semester. Well anyhow, I've stalled in writing this paper of mine enough.

Soon to come: Philly trip rundown!